2024 Capital Campaign | Midwest Augustinians
2024 Legacy Campaign
Mission Accomplished - Over $3.1 Million Successfully Raised to support vocations, formation, and evangelization.
The Province’s Legacy Campaign, directed toward supporting our vocation efforts, our current men in formation, and reaching more people with the Augustinian message and values, was made possible thanks to your generous support.
There is still time to make your gift to help support the Augustinian Legacy of Centuries.
“The main reason for your coming together is to be of one mind and one heart on the way to God.”
- The Rule of St. Augustine

Cardinal Robert Prevost, O.S.A.
Honorary Campaign Co-Chair
Campaign Welcome Video

Bishop Daniel Turley, O.S.A.
Honorary Campaign Co-Chair
Campaign Welcome Video
2024 Capital Campaign
A Legacy of Centuries
As in the time of St. Augustine (354-430), we live in a world challenged by problems, both material and spiritual. We often find ourselves in the grip of faulty visions of human wellbeing, hopelessness, and with many people morally adrift. In such a time, Augustinians see a world and a Church that needs the Grace of God and the vision of Augustine as much as ever.
While numbers of Friars vary and ministries change over the centuries and decades, our communal spirit and commitment are undaunted. Our fraternity and commitment to the Augustinian vision and Augustinian values have not and do not waiver.
We remain men of heart, dedicated to our mission of service to God, the Church and the world — Witnesses in Apostolates. We are spiritual, forward-looking, and idealistic — yet pragmatic.
“Bad times! Hard times! This is what people keep saying. But let us live well and the times shall be good. We are the times! As we are, such are the times.”
Despite facing challenges, we know that if we stay rooted in the timeless tradition of fraternity and community intended by St. Augustine, we will continue our legacy of centuries. Together with those who support us with their prayers and encouraging words, their time and energy, and their financial gifts, we will continue to serve and impact generations of men, women and young people as well as dozens of communities for lifetimes to come.
Friars in the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
Men have joined our community in the past 10 years
Young men have indicated interest through our Vocation website since November 2022
Friars have passed on,
leaving a legacy
of dedicated service

Our Mission
We, the Augustinians of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, are members of the worldwide Order of Saint Augustine in the Roman Catholic Church.
Centered in the Eucharist and prayer, we search for God in community by sharing our lives, goods and spiritual journey with each other and the people of God.
In harmony of mind and heart on our journey toward God, our experience of common life flows into and shapes our ministries.
We continue to serve the Church in schools, parishes and missions as we seek to discern new paths of service to which God calls us.